Here is the last couple of strips that got pushed out of the site and into the archive.
Starting next year I will be converting this from a comics archive into a more written blog and put most of the comic oriented stuff into I will however continue to put my videos, new updates, here.
The blog title will also be changed into something more serious...cynical... eh... different than Comical World of Santhosh CHRiS or maybe it'll stay the same :P
See ya in 2013 :D
Starting next year I will be converting this from a comics archive into a more written blog and put most of the comic oriented stuff into I will however continue to put my videos, new updates, here.
The blog title will also be changed into something more serious...cynical... eh... different than Comical World of Santhosh CHRiS or maybe it'll stay the same :P
See ya in 2013 :D